Over 50? Don’t Age Gracefully, Live Agelessly

What does “getting older” mean to you?

by Dr. Dorree Lynn

Published 7/6/12 by YourTango.com

It doesn’t matter whether you’re 49 or 94, it’s okay to be a little loopy. Modern culture already recognizes that the older you become, the stranger you get, and there are plenty of ageless individuals out there with great senses of humor. At this age, there is no reason for not embracing this and having a little fun from time to time. 7 Troubling Signs You’re In Love With A CRAZY Maker

Imagination never dies. You may have a few aches and pains, worry about forgetting things and find yourselfneeding more rest than recreation, but your ability to create and to imagine never fades.

I’m not suggesting that you execute your right as an older person to have lapses in memory and at a family dinner one night, begin speaking to a bowl of vegetables as if it were talking back at you — just to laugh at the family’s reaction. Having a funky and off-beat sense of humor towards aging can be funny, but that’s not what I mean.

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