Fitness is an Exercise in Wise Judgment

Staying active and fit is good for you at any life stage. Move and strengthen to match your needs. Add endurance and flexibility, and those aches and pains that come with added years may well diminish, if not totally disappear. It’s attitude, discipline and a willingness to work at staying fit that matters. Even if you have an illness, are in a wheelchair or need a walker, exercise can be tailored to suit your particular situation.

Some simple hints to help keep you motivated:

  1. Commit to a partner. The contract will help both of you get off the couch – even if you don’t really feel like it.
  2. Take classes so that you are with group energy that can help lift your spirits.
  3. Use an instructor in a class or by yourself. That way you can become brain dead, but your body still benefits.
  4. Walk whenever you can. Use steps whenever you can. Try taking them take two at a time, however slowly you move.
  5. Dance your night away.
  6. Have fun, whatever you choose. If it’s not fun, you are more likely to quit.
  7. Pick a time of day that’s easy for you to stick to and make that part of your daily routine.
  8. Do what you like, but stretch your cutting edge and try some fitness activities that are new. They may be good for you.
  9. Be realistic and never feel ashamed because of what you can’t do. As the Nike ad says, “Just do it.” You will be ahead of the game.
  10. And don’t overlook the benefits of sex. It may be the best exercise around.

Previously Published in 2008