That’s right, you heard me correctly. Adult sex movies featuring senior citizens.
Japan is leading the way in this new industry, with senior porn stars who are in their 70’s. Historically, much of Japan’s popular pornography has featured very young girls, in their teens and 20’s. A teenager starring in porn movies is very upsetting to many people… but hopefully, the tide is turning as mature women are now starting to earn a new level of respect in the sex movie industry. The number one most popular senior porn star in Japan is a 74-year old male actor who poses as a gentleman, a teacher of erotic arts to women of all ages.
What do you know about the sex lives (or lack thereof) among the Japanese? While as a culture they are progressive and hard working, their sex lives are pretty bleak. The article states that, “1 in 4 married couples in Japan had not made love in the previous year, while 38% of couples in their 50s no longer have sex at all. Those figures were attributed to the stresses of Japanese working life.” Amazing, and sad.
Over and over again, studies show that a healthy sex life reduces our depression, connects us to others, and keeps our parts lubricated – mentally, physically and emotionally.
For many, pornography is a way to express sexual feelings – either alone, or shared with a partner. It’s about time that FiftyAndFurthermores are becoming adult movie stars – if anyone was going to revolutionize this industry, leave it up to Baby Boomers.
If you Google terms like “elderly, porn, grannies, mature, lust,” you will quickly realize that there is indeed an entire industry out there devoted to FiftyAndFurthermores who are looking for some visual stimulation that is age appropriate. Warning: do not Google these terms at the office or your children’s house! Very graphic images pop up.
Sound off here and leave a comment. What do you think about elder porn? Do you think that it’s positive or negative?
Previously Published in 2008