Erectile Difficulties Commonly Known As Erectile Dysfunction
I prefer any word other than dysfunction. We are not robots, nor machines. All men sometimes have erections that don’t behave the way a man wishes. With added years, statistics are as high as 1 out of every 2 men over the age of 40 has periods of ED. Still, it’s not something most guys ever want to talk about. Mention ED in a room full of guys you’ve known for decades and you’re likely to be met with shuffles, squirms or dead silence.
Prescription pills are usually the first course of action for treating ED. However, they tend to work only about 50 % of the time. Self-injected shots are usually the next course of action. When or if nether of this work, a penile implant can offer real hope. A penile implant (or penile prosthesis) is a medical device that is custom-fit and surgically placed into a penis to produce a natural-looking and natural-feeling erection.
Unfortunately, many professionals, including sex therapists, urologists and other physicians know all too little about why penises tend to go their own way. Most commonly an errant penis that simply doesn’t do what one wishes, is due to an emotional or relationship issue, illness such as diabetes, medicine interactions, or hormonal issues (usually diminishing testosterone levels) or an aftermath of prostate or bladder surgery. However determining what the cause is can be murky and take time. What if nothing helps? Then it’s time for some serious investigation such as an ultrasound or other tests. If there is a physical complication, one might opt for a penile implant. All too often this highly successful procedure is not even on the table. No one talks about it.
Reasons to Consider a Penile Implant
According to the Mayo Clinic and others reputable sources, Penile Implants have a very high patient and partner satisfaction rate. Different studies indicate satisfaction ranging from 93 to 99 percent. Granted surgery should never be considered lightly or done without research. It is involved (usually covered by insurance, and a man would want to use the best facility and specialist they can find, usually someone who has a history of specializing in this procedure. No matter what your urologist may say, he or she probably has not performed as many of these procedures as a specialist.
After trying pills, many men might consider opting for a penile implant rather than go through the difficulty of injections. Injections take skill and they certainly don’t help intimacy. Dr. Eid in New York, a Belgian born physician who has performed over 5,000 penile implants wishes many men would consider this option as a first line of help, rather than one of a last resort, often filled with shame.
There are three different types of implants. You and your surgeon will decide on what is the best for you. Recovery can be painful and difficult for a week or so, but the long-term gain may be worth it. I’d like to take this option out of the closet filled with sexual secrets and bring more information to men and their partners. A penile implant may restore intimacy; self esteem and save many shaky relationships.